mercredi 23 juin 2010

baccalauréat technologique session 2010


I-General comprehension
1) b
2) a
3) b
4) b
5) a
6) c
7) a

II-Detailed comprehension
1- w l.1 “I read about you in the newspaper”
2- w l.1 “new agency”
3- r l. 8 “My wife an I have two daughters”
4- w l. 9-10 “has not been seen for two months”
5- r l. 26
6- r l. 31
B 1 l 3 proud
2 l 12 took time off
3 l 16 liked to wander / strong interest in nature; l 17 knew a lot about the bush
C 1 Ernest
2 the police
3 every farmer
4 Thobiso
5 Mma Ramotswe
6 people
D 1 passed l 8
2 vanished l 9
3 make a big search l 11; search l 12; look into l 14; check l 20
4 wealthy l 26
5 enquiries l 27
E l 17 He knew a lot about the bush and he would never get into danger from stupidity
F l 23 If I were not a Christian, I would say that some evil spirit had lifted him up and carried him off.

EXPRESSION 1 – Thobiso: Hello, is there anybody home?
Dad: Yes, Thobiso! How extraordinary! So you’re alive and well! Where have you been?
Thobiso: Now look at me Dad: can’t you see how dusty my clothes are? Apart from that I have fared fairly well. I was able to find enough water so as not to die from thirst.
Dad: That does not answer my question.
Son: I can’t answer you precisely daddy. I know I was in nature. I know it can have been as far as a hundred kilometres away from here. [92 words]

2 - Detective stories do not usually appeal to me much. I must admit however that a few of them really caught my attention. I was so eager to know the end that I could hardly stop reading The Little Friend by Donna Tartt or A Secret History by the same. I do not fancy stories which begin with a disappearance or the mysterious discovery of a dead body. I do not see the point in [73 words] motivating an audience through this. I much prefer it when everything goes well and then suddenly something happens that perturbs the balance of things, and then someone comes by and solves the problem and quietness comes back again. [111 words] One can say that detective stories do fit into this pattern. I do not completely agree: they usually start with something wrong. [133 words]

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